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Evening Weather - March 19

This weather update is brought to you by GetBranded.

Get Branded is a proud Townsville business, operating for over 15 years who specialise in customised/branded products, marketing, graphic design, events, and videography. ast and Peninsula. Still watching this low.


Rain continues to increase across the top.end of Australia, specially over the Northern Territory. The ex tropical low 90P is now just rain crossing the coast to the Far North of QLD. A second low is forming and will make its way to the Far North QLD coastline. And all this is going to result in the next monsoon pulse.

The radar showing rain is still light and the synoptic showing the airflow towards the QLD coast continues mainly from the East. The second low shown as the purple circle. A new High South of the Great Australian Bight should cool things along the Southern coastline.


The humidity will drop further inland but not along the coast, with the showers being ousted ashore from the SE trade winds there is still humid air around. The temps should rise a little from less humidity. Showers easing briefly along the Far North Coast as a convergence shifts North closer to Cooktown.


The radar not showing not much, 6mm I'm Cairns since 9am but that should head North tomorrow briefly. The slightly heavier showers closer to Mackay. Still showers in the Far North but the increasing showers will shift North and South from Cairns.


Unstable conditions are creeping in across Australia, with the heat and cold mixing we we may see storms in SA, Vic and NSW in the next few days. But also around QLD with troughs returning inland and the monsoon returning soon. The second low is pushing towards QLD and that will heap more humidity at the top end.

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